Category Archives: Types of Wine

Merlot vs Cabernet Sauvignon: What’s the Difference?

Six bottles of red wine lined up on a rack with some vineyard photos in the background.

Merlot and Cabernet are both red wines that are commonly grown and sold around the world. While Cabernet commonly refers to the most popular of the Cabernets, Cabernet Sauvignon it can also refer to a multitude of different types of grape, such as Cabernet Franc, Gros, or Dorsa- and more. Cabernet Sauvignon is in fact […]

Chardonnay vs Sauvignon Blanc: What is the Difference?

Bunches of green grapes on a vine at a vineyard.

Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are arguably the two most popular white wines in the world. They’re both very widely grown and sold- you will probably be able to find both of them in every store that sells wine, and in every restaurant that sells wine. However, the two wines being produced from green-skinned grapes and […]